Dismissal problems

| 29 Sep 2011 | 10:32

    To the editor: I believe it was in my daughter’s school calendar where I read the school board’s policy regarding parental/guardian involvement. One of the many highlighted components of the family involvement program states that “parents are FULL partners in the decisions that affect children and their families.” I’ll assume Mrs. Cole, after many years on staff, was not made aware of this when she chose to play “ Sonya Cole, Private I “ without first informing parents of the events that led to this bathroom fiasco which is still under lock and key; so I’m told by my 4th grader. Perhaps Mrs. Cole also was not aware that another highlighted component of the above-mentioned policy also states that “communication” between home and school should be regular, two-way and meaningful. Mrs. Cole must not have thought it was not meaningful enough to have her staff communicate to parents on Oct. 27 that after the storybook parade parents would not be allowed in the school to sign their child out of their classroom under the supervision of their teacher, as I have done since 2000. Instead, she screamed at a group of parents that were waiting in the vestibule that all children would be picked up at door three. Okay, anyone that has ever picked their child up at door 3 on a regular day will tell you it’s a royal pain. Well, imagine having almost all students being dismissed one by one through one door. Chaos, plain and simple, and if you were there, you’d agree it was a mob scene. All the while, Mrs. Cole sat in the main office with several other faculty members oblivious to the mayhem unfolding outside. Finally someone with common sense sent the 4th, 5th, and 6th graders to a different door to expedite dismissal. Without a second glance from the teacher guarding the door, I was able to take three children (that I knew) waiting in the crowd out of the school and directed them to their parent. I wasn’t questioned; I signed no paper. Clearly, safety was not the reason for the change in procedure. My child’s teacher didn’t even know where to send her to be picked up. Bravo, Mrs. Cole, your lack of communication has managed to confuse your faculty as well. Was it too much to ask for a little note to be sent home of the changes in the way this year’s dismissal was going to be? Hmm, I did, however, get a note saying that if it rained, the parade would be cancelled. Well, thanks, I wouldn’t have known that, otherwise. Mrs. Cole, you are no longer wanted; you’ve lost the respect of both parents and students. It is painful ( yet I admit entertaining and satisfying ) to see the outpouring of criticism from the community regarding your poor decisions every week, so do us a favor, give it up; retire already. Allow us to show you a “proper dismissal.” Deanie Roeder Milford