On Tuesday, February 25, 2025, the Pike County Conservation District (PCCD) and Wayne Conservation District (WCD) co-hosted a Contractor’s Workshop at the Wallenpaupack Environmental Learning Center. District staff from both counties, including PCCD resource conservationist Ally McGee, PCCD district engineer Chris Meszler, WCD resource conservationist Alicia Utegg, and WCD non-point source manager Keith Pierson, delivered a variety of presentations and addressed questions from the 20 attendees. These presentations included the negative impacts of soil pollution in our waterways, guidance on completing an erosion and sediment control plan, and the proper installation and maintenance of best management practices (BMPs), among other topics. Attendees also completed a mock erosion and sediment control plan to visualize and practice the information from the presentations with the District technical staff ready to assist.
If you’re an earth disturbance professional who couldn’t make it to the workshop, both Districts offer project planning resources on their websites. For technical assistance with erosion and sediment control planning or planning work in or near waterways or wetlands, call the District for the county your site is located in and ask to speak with one of their technical staff: Pike County, 570-226-8220, pikeconservation.org; Wayne County, 570-253-0930, waynecountypa.gov/935/Wayne-Conservation-District.
Pike County Conservation District