A better headline: ‘Taxpayers stress over where their money is going’
Editor’s note: The following comment was posted under last week’s story “’No-win situations’: Parents stress over learning options.” To post your own comment visit pikecountycourier.com.
Mr. Splendora: “Parents stress over learning options”? How about “Taxpayers stress over where their money is going”? Are coaches being paid while there’s no sports? Are principals and assistant principals being paid while students are not in the schools? Are office staff being paid? Are superintendents being paid? Are hall monitors being paid? Are custodians being paid to clean up after the 5,000 students who are not there? Are teacher aids being paid? What happened during the last school term, which was cancelled during its last third, which represents about 25 million dollars’ worth of expenses? Did everyone just continue as if nothing had happened, and collect their paychecks while doing nothing?