Border security

| 31 May 2024 | 12:02

    I’ve always loved the inscription on the Statue of Liberty, the one that begins: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...” Like many Americans, I only need to go back a few generations to find ancestors that came here in search of freedom and opportunity. So it’s not difficult for me to feel empathy with those seeking asylum now.

    Sadly, there are some Americans who feel the opposite. They see new arrivals as a threat to our country. Whether they listen to rhetoric about criminals coming across the border, or have a bias toward certain groups among the recent immigrants, fear of being overrun or replaced by the asylum seekers fuels their animosity.

    The reality is that immigrants enrich our culture, economy, and workforce. They bring their skills, their talents, and their willingness to work hard into our “melting pot.” They revitalize communities, and help to feed America. Right here in Orange County, many farmers depend on migrants for planting and harvesting.

    That being said, there is no doubt that there should be better control at the border, and better screening of the asylum seekers. More border patrols, judges, and housing resources are badly needed. The solution lies in humane, comprehensive legislation by Congress, which so far has rejected it for political reasons. The inhumane answer is to slam the “golden door” on new arrivals.

    Dorothy Kelly
