Conversation about book banning and author cancellation coming to Readers and Writers Fest
Milford. Book banning will be a conversation topic among authors and publishers at Milford Readers and Writers Festival, Sept. 16-18

Milford Readers and Writers Festival will feature a conversation on Sept. 17 titled “Books You May Never Get to Read,” with a panel of publishing industry professionals who will discuss the recent spate of author cancellations and book bannings, and how they affect writers, publishers and readers.
The lineup includes literary agent Regina Brooks, who represents many young adult authors; Jamie Raab, longtime president and publisher of Grand Central Books; and journalist and foreign affairs writer James Kirchick, whose latest book, “Secret City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington,” is a New York Times best-seller. They will join publisher and panel moderator Brooke Warner, the publisher of She Writes Press, on the Main Stage at the Milford Theater and Performing Arts Center.