DUI group supports governor's veto of privatization of liquor stores

| 07 Jul 2015 | 06:03

    To the Editor:
    The Pennsylvania Driving Under the Influence Association commends Governor Wolf for his veto of the Privatization of the Commonwealth's Liquor Stores.

    Research has shown that privatization leads to increased availability of alcohol, increased availability leads to increased consumption, increased consumption leads to an increase in alcohol-related problems, such as increased assaults, alcohol-related automobile crashes and deaths. Studies showed an average increase of 42 percent in alcohol sales after privatization.

    States like Pennsylvania, with a retail monopolies over wine and spirits, have fewer high school students reporting drinking any alcohol in the past 30 days and fewer students reporting binge drinking in the past 30 days. A lower death rate for people under age 21 who were killed by alcohol-impaired driving is also a benefit seen in control states.

    We applaud Governor Wolf for making public safety the priority in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania has seen a steady decline in the number of alcohol-related fatalities over the past 5 years. Between 2010 and 2014 there was a 27 percent decline in the number of deaths due to impaired driving. That means 126 more people made it home safe. The continuation of state liquor sales is one strong part of the continuing fight against impaired driving and underage drinking.

    C. Stephen Erni, Executive Director

    Pennsylvania DUI Association