Dear Commissioners, we need honor to return to Pike County. Yes, we must reinitiate respect toward all Pike residents and visitors. Today is March 5, the day our Boston Massacre occurred. Pike County taxpayers need to raise their voices loud enough so our three commissioners, chief clerk, district attorney and sheriff hear us clearly. This day, back in 1953, DNA was discovered. Pike needs to learn and be educated about our DNA. We are mostly Republican, yet our Democrat demographic is gaining. his day also the day Russia’s Stalin passed away. Pike needs to evolve beyond an oligarchy.
Respect of the different, the unique or the special interest individual and most of all the opposing voice must be honored in this county administration building, this conference room, and by each and every Pike County public servant and elected. Pike County presently seeks to silence opposing or questioning voices. We are now a police state versus a county of open mindedness and fresh free speech that is actually heard and acted upon versus silenced and penalized.
Dear Commissioners, please display true honor. You may be Republican or Democrat, yet sitting at the head of this room you represent each of us and must show us respect. The armed sheriff staff in this room resonates our police state stance. Our new sheriff, a former Troop R patrol commander, is a strong police state image as is our former police officer DA. Commissioners, you need to see the concept of peaceful community policing and elected leadership for Pike. Please honor us by being more like Washington, Lincoln or Roosevelt versus Stalin, Minh or King George.
Kevin Holian
Dingman Township