It really is about our children
To the Editor:
Did you know that from 2011 to 2014 in Pike County there were thirty eight reported cases of child abuse?
Did you know that of those 38 cases of child abuse District Attorney Ray Tonkin chose to take only 2 to court.
Did you know that when Mr. Tonkin decided that of the 38 cases he would only prosecute 2 he made the decision to become Judge and Jury, denying our children their day in court and sacrificing them so he can boast of his 97 percent conviction rate. And as for the remaining 36…?
Did you know that Mr. Tonkin’s argument for not bringing the other 36 child abuse cases to court parallels the reasons that prosecutors didn’t bring Jerry Sandusky case to court. Leaving Mr. Sandusky free to continue to sexually abuse children from 1998 to 2011.
Did you know that“Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, professional training materials”state “An average child molester will abuse 200-400 times before being caught, if ever”!
Did you know that Kelly Gaughan has promise to bring ALL child abuse cases, win or lose to court? Allowing a jury to decide who is innocent and who is guilty. Thereby sending a message to predators that she will defend All the children of Pike County.
Did you know that Kelly Gaughan is the only candidate endorsed by your Pennsylvania State Troopers Association and the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 46?
After working with Mr. Tonkin for over 7 years they have obviously lost confidence in him. The message is clear, this May 19,2015 we NEED to vote for Kelly Gaughan for Pike County District Attorney…Because it really is about our children.
Bob Goldsack
Former Delaware Valley School Board Director