Meg Rosenfeld knows what the needs are in Pennsylvania’s 139th
To the Editor:
Meg Rosenfeld is running as a candidate for the 139th District of the PA House of Representatives.
I got to know Meg when she ran for the Delaware Valley School Board in 2021. In the short time that I’ve known her, she has shown herself to be a caring, focused individual who has made it a point to know what the needs are in the 139th.
She speaks passionately about education, health care and small business development that are all sorely needed in the 139th.
I live in the 189th. Tarah Probst is my candidate, and a formidable one. I can see the Meg-Tarah connection very clearly where the two of them will work for the betterment of the people of Pike County.
Keep your eye on Meg Rosenfeld. She is what’s good about Pike County and will make a strong, knowledgeable addition to the PA House of Representatives.
Cheryl R. Glenn
Pike County