The clean sheet of paper

| 05 Dec 2023 | 02:50

    During a phone coversation with my cousin, she was lamenting about an up-coming week-long visit with her sister. They had never had a close relationship and visits had become difficult over the years. After listing to her concerns, I heard myself say, “Why don’t you go as a clean sheet of paper and write on it.”

    There was no response, and I wondered if she understood what those words implied. Time went by and I forgot about our conversation.

    Jean and I spoke again after her visit with Carol. She was excited to tell me that Carol had come to her car before leaving and told her that “this was the best visit we have ever had.” I was thrilled and surprised that so few words could accomplish so much.

    Jean must have left her baggage of past memories behind. She spent the week listening, learning, and sharing good thoughts and ideas. The sisters created new memories that filled the clean sheet. They now have a close relationship as sister and friends.

    Maybe as we gather with family and friends this Christmas season, we can remember the lesson of “the clean sheet of paper” and have “the best visit ever.”

    Linda Zimmer
