‘Vote yes on Proposal 1 to protect our civil rights’

| 20 Oct 2024 | 06:30

    This year, voters in New York State can vote to protect our rights from government overreach.

    Proposal 1 strengthens existing civil rights protections by writing them into the highest law in New York State.

    Voters need to know that the ballot proposal will be on the reverse side of paper ballots.

    To protect your rights, be sure to flip your ballot over and vote “yes” on Prop 1.

    Unfortunately, we have seen some spreading disinformation about what Prop 1 will do. The truth is that Prop 1 does not create any new rights.

    What it does is take existing rights that are already protected under state law and add them to the state constitution.

    Why go to the trouble if these laws already exist? Because protections enshrined in the state constitution are harder to take away. Rights like medical privacy, bodily autonomy, and access to contraception are under attack across our country.

    Project 2025, the Republican playbook, lays out numerous ways in which the federal government would attempt to strip New Yorkers of our civil rights.

    Prop 1 would help to thwart those efforts and protect New Yorkers from federal government overreach.

    When voters cast their ballots, they should make sure to protect their rights by voting yes on Prop 1.

    Lauren Vitkovsky, Chair

    Warwick Town Democratic Committee