Why open primaries are important

| 07 Oct 2024 | 01:49

    Independent Voters of Pike and Wayne counties: Are you fed up with the Republican and Democratic parties locking you out of their primaries and then coming after you to vote for their candidates?

    Did you know that Pennsylvania is one of only nine states that still denies legally registered independent voters, like you, the right to vote in primaries? On Nov. 5, you can fight back.

    Two open primaries bills have cleared the State Government Committee of the House, HB979 and HB976. Under the new law, independents (voters not affiliated with any party) could choose to vote in either major party primary. Voters registered as members of any major or minor party, however, could not vote in a different party’s primary. The law would not enable “cross-over voting” or “party switching.”

    Despite the advocacy of a handful of courageous individual legislators, the major party bosses are blocking the bills from being voted on in the full House. The bosses know that their members would have a hard time explaining a “no” vote on these popular bills.

    If you have the good fortune to reside in House District 139, then you can vote for a candidate who has pledged to fight for open primaries, while her opponent is on record against. This confrontation occurred at the League of Women Voters PA debate on Sept. 19. (Watch the full debate at 139th Pennsylvania Legislative District Debate (youtube.com) In response to a question from the moderator, Robin Skibber said she supported open primaries, but Jeff Olsommer said he wanted the primaries to remain closed.

    If ending your disenfranchisement is important to you, vote for Robin Skibber.

    Arthur Block
