Empty Sky is the official New Jersey September 11 memorial to the state's victims of the September 11 attacks on the United States. It is located in Liberty State Park in Jersey City (2017 photo by Robert G. Breese) ‘Always Remember’ the ones we lost on 9/11 Last week I attended a 9/11 memorial service at the Botanic Park in Steamboat Springs. Colorado is a long way from Lower... Opinion 19 Sep 2021 | 09:01
New York City firefighters work near the area known as Ground Zero after the collapse of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. 9/11 inspired a revolution in emergency services It is hard to believe that 20 years have passed since four passenger airliners, commandeered by terrorists, plunged into... Local News 10 Sep 2021 | 05:26
Scenes from when Dr. Marc Kramer was working at Ground Zero (Photo provided) ‘For me, returning to NYC was imperative’ On 9/11 I was in Denver, Colorado and was awakened by a phone call from my daughter who normally worked in the World Trade... Local News 10 Sep 2021 | 05:15
FDNY Fire Marshal Ronald Bucca on an Upper West Side fire escape (Photo provided) ‘He was a man of many accomplishments and he is deeply missed’ September 11, 2001, was a sad day in New York and American history. I am a retired NYPD officer and my brother Ronald Bucca... Local News 10 Sep 2021 | 05:05
Towers of light mark the Manhattan sky (Photo by Robert G. Breese) ‘Mysterious ways indeed’ A friend from college days worked for a large insurer in lower Manhattan. Every Tuesday morning at 8:30 he would join his... Local News 10 Sep 2021 | 05:03
View from Jane’s office building a week after the attack (Photo provided) ‘I hugged the doorman and the coffee guy’ On that day, that will live in infamy, I was employed as a lawyer in an office across the street from the church on Vesey... Local News 10 Sep 2021 | 04:49
The Columns Museum Local artist’s remembrance of 9/11 on display at Columns Museum After the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Fred Merusi of Montague, N.J., salvaged a section of steel beam from... Local News 08 Sep 2021 | 01:59