Lessons on race not yet learned To the Editor: After seeing the events that occurred in Tulsa 100 years ago on CBS and which were also taught to me by a well... Letters to the Editor 06 Jul 2021 | 10:01
America’s infrastructure needs To the Editor: President Biden’s proposed infrastructure bill is predicated on the2021 Report Card for America’s infrastructure,... Letters to the Editor 05 Apr 2021 | 06:42
Riot and treason To the Editor: I have been in the Capitol and many of the House and Senate Offices on poverty issues and often for drug issues!... Letters to the Editor 11 Jan 2021 | 06:29
The election is over! To the Editor: On a day that is was revealed that we are headed to a white collar approach to foreign policy and a new secretary... Opinion 14 Dec 2020 | 04:08
A dangerous form of campaigning To the Editor: Trump has engaged in a dangerous form of campaigning. Starting with a Tulsa opening, that has long brought... Letters to the Editor 23 Jun 2020 | 01:11
Blunders at the top To the Editor: Foreign Policy magazine noted on March 13 that Trump could start a trade war based on silly debunked 18th-century... Letters to the Editor 30 Mar 2020 | 01:21
Red flag laws and their benefit First, I am Gun owner - only 1 - and use it not to hunt, but for target practice in another state. I have a home in the county,... Letters to the Editor 26 Feb 2020 | 07:07
What every American should ask of the next president on voting We have not been vigilant on who can view and change our system. I do not take any serious view on the Ukraine, as all indications... Letters to the Editor 25 Nov 2019 | 06:17