Join the Historical Society in the Foundation Room of the Columns Museum for another enjoyable evening of food and film. On May 17, the society will be showing the classic film “Village of the Damned.” Provided photos. Milford. The Pike County Historical Society announce upcoming events The Pike County Historical Society and Museum, located at 608 Broad St., in Milford, will host the following events next... Entertainment 08 May 2023 | 05:06
“New York City On Your Own” library bus trip coming up The final bus trip for 2022 offered by the Friends of the Pike County Public Library will be “New York City On Your Own”... Entertainment 15 Nov 2022 | 03:14
Dinner and “creature feature” will raise funds for science fiction panel at Readers and Writers Festival Creature Features from the 1950s will be the theme of a Dinner and a Movie series launched by a collaboration of the Virginia... Home 25 Jul 2022 | 05:49
Suzanne Braun Levine and Gloria Steinem in conversation with Amy Ferris They Did It Write – Milford Readers and Writers holds first online global event The first online event held by the Milford Readers and Writers Festival, “Doing It Write,” was the very first time for many... Local News 16 Sep 2020 | 03:50
Samuel Delany (Photo by Samuel Delany, Wikipedia Commons) Samuel Delany, first major Black sci-fi novelist, to explore ‘The Milford Connection’ Editor’s note: The original story gave the wrong date for the livestream, which is on Sept. 13, not Nov. 13, as was erroneously... Entertainment 04 Sep 2020 | 12:57