Eighty-year-old John Curwood, wearing his pajama top, walked away from the Pike County Correctional Facility at 9:25 a.m. on July 8 in the middle of a downpour, complete with thunder and lightning (Photo by Joy McCann) 80-year-old prisoner is released into his daughter’s care At 9:25 a.m. last Thursday, July 8, eighty-year-old John Curwood walked away from the Pike County Correctional Facility in... Local News 15 Jul 2021 | 08:29
Joy McCann with her father's friend Bill Haughney, who served with John Curwood in the Air Force and has known him since 1959. Haughney drove up from Quakertown, Pa., for the sentencing hearing (Photo by Frances Ruth Harris) 80-year-old with Alzheimer’s to be released from jail on July 8 John Curwood, an 80-year-old with Alzheimer’s who has pleaded guilty to stalking, threatening, and tire slashing, will serve... Local News 09 Jun 2021 | 02:17
John Curwood's daughter Joy McCann just before she enters Pike County Courthouse to hear her father's guilty plea on April 15. Her letter pleading her father’s case appeared in a recent edition of the Courier. (Photo by Frances Ruth Harris) 80-year-old prisoner pleads guilty to stalking, threatening, and tire slashing An octogenarian prisoner whose case has elicited sympathy from the community and raises the question of whether jail is the... Police & Fire 22 Apr 2021 | 09:27