A detail from the newly refurbished Mott Street Bridge ( Frances Ruth Harris) Borough Council limits Mott St. parking The Milford Borough Council on May 11 limited parking on the east side of Mott Street on Friday, Saturday and Sunday through... Local News 26 May 2021 | 01:23
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (Facebook page) Park prepares for summer visitors The 70,000-acre park Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area was the 10th most-visited national park in the country in... Entertainment 20 May 2021 | 03:12
The ribbon is cut at the newly refurbished Mott Street Bridge ( Frances Ruth Harris) Community hails historic re-opening of historic bridge A crowd gathered in the bright sunshine on Jan. 2 to mark the grand re-opening of the historic Mott Street Bridge. The county-owned... Local News 07 Jan 2020 | 12:25
The restored Mott Street Bridge ( Photo provided) Mott Street Bridge grand reopening to be held Jan. 2 The Pike County Commissioners will host a grand reopening ceremony at the Mott Street Bridge in Milford at noon on Thursday,... Local News 27 Dec 2019 | 04:52