The lobby to Stanhope borough hall is now open (Photo by Vera Olinski) Stanhope bans all cannabis commerce At their first in-person meeting at the municipal building after more than a year of virtual meetings, the Stanhope council... Local News 29 Jun 2021 | 05:05
From left: Mayor Michael Lensak, Andover Twsp; Mayor Chris Carney, Frankford Township; Mayor Alex Rubenstein, Byram Township; Mayor Michael Francis, Hopatcong; Mayor Howard Burrell, Vernon Township; Mayor Stan Kula, Hardyston Twsp; Mayor Patricia Zdichocki, Stanhope; Mayor Jerry Murphy, Sparta Township (Photo provided) Thanks to all Sussex County mayors for their service during challenging times Editor’s note: Tammie Horsfield made the following statement earlier this month in presenting the Sussex County Economic... Opinion 24 Dec 2020 | 03:05