A retail dispensary next in Portland, Maine. Five minutes after it opened on a recent Sunday morning, a dozen customers were inside, shopping. ( Becca Tucker) Do we want a bud shop in our town? Now that recreational marijuana is the law of the land in five states from New Jersey to Maine, towns and villages across... Home 20 Aug 2021 | 10:36
Byram to hold June 15 public hearing on cannabis commerce ban In a 4-1 vote, the Byram council introduced an ordinance prohibiting all cannabis business in the township. Mayor Alexander... Business 18 May 2021 | 07:08
Byram rejects ‘pot shops’ and all other marijuana licenses Byram councilmembers unanimously support the New Jersey League of Municipalities’ sample ordinance that restricts all six... Business 27 Apr 2021 | 05:05