‘Ask the Doctor’ Zoom session to discuss Omicron variant and Pike County’s extremely high positivity rates
Milford. So many bus drivers are out ill with Covid, the Delaware Valley School District had to cancel classes this week.

Join another “Ask the Doctor” Zoom session on Monday, Dec. 13, at 5 p.m. for an update on the Covid pandemic and, in particular, the latest information concerning the Omicron variant.
Ask the Doctor is led by Dr. Doug Manion, an infectious disease specialist and Milford resident, and Milford Mayor Sean Strub. They say Pike County continues to lag behind the state and region in vaccination, and that at 20 percent its positive test rate is extremely high. So many bus drivers are out ill with Covid, the Delaware Valley School District had to cancel classes this week.
They will address the questions: What can we do? What must we do? How do we manage risk in this difficult environment? Vaccine boosting and gathering safely for the holidays will be part of the discussion.
● To join the meeting on Zoom, log on to: tinyurl.com/2p8v5sme.
● The meeting ID is: 879 0200 3202
● The passcode is: 708092
● Or dial in +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
You do not have to be a Pike resident to join the meeting.
“Ask the Doctor” informational sessions are offered by the Milford Covid Volunteer Task Force. For more information or to join the mailing list, email ProtectPike@gmail.com.