Your recycling head-scratchers answered: avocado bags?

Recycling. What to do with these oddball items.

| 27 Feb 2025 | 02:07

If you’re not sure whether something goes in the blue bin, snap a pic of yourself with the questionable item (yes, we want to see you, too). We’ll check in with a recycling expert and run the answer in the papers – so we can keep learning together.

A question from Helen Ripple of Milford, Pa. Can the plastic mesh bags that hold avocadoes, onions, and clementines be recycled?

No, plastic mesh bags aren’t recyclable, said Orange County Recycling Coordinator Ermin Siljkovic. That means they’re trash, or ideally, ready for upcycling.

What can go into the plastic tumbleweed to be deposited at the grocery store? Plastic store bags, ice bags and produce bags, Ziploc bags, cereal box liners, bread bags, case and pallet wrap, stretch film, newspaper sleeves, dry cleaning bags, bubble wrap and plastic ecommerce mailers, wood pellet bags and salt bags, according to NexTrex, the major downstream processor of plastic film. They have to be clean and dry.

“A good ‘rule of thumb’ is to actually use your thumb and press against the plastic. If it stretches, it probably is fine to include,” said Siljkovic.

Resourceful souls have found all sorts of ways to reuse plastic mesh bags, using them to hang garden herbs to dry; to tie up odd soap bits to hang by the water spigot for outdoor scrubbing; as hammocks to keep pumpkins and squash off the ground; as a texture-rich background in paintings; or rolled up as a dish scrubber.

Best of all would be to buy loose produce and bring your own reusable produce bags, although availability and cost don’t always dovetail with being green.

Next up, your question. Send your question and selfie to, subject line “recycle?” along with your name and town.