Where Do Celebrities Buy Instagram Likes? 12 Best Sites Revealed

| 28 Jun 2024 | 03:46

When you search Google for a website that sells Instagram likes, you’ll see hundreds of options. Not only are they not all the same — some will do exactly the opposite of what you’re looking for.

You probably know that the real purpose of purchasing likes is to boost your content’s visibility and your account’s importance on the app. Adding IG likes tells the Instagram algorithms that your posts are becoming more popular and deserve additional exposure to random users, giving you the opportunity to add lots of organic likes, views, and followers.

If you’re not quite sure how and why that process works, we’ll go into details later in this article.

Here’s what’s important, though. Most vendors promising to help your social media presence may actually destroy it. They sell “fake” Instagram likes generated with bots and linked to fake accounts, a “hack” that doesn’t fool the system one bit.

The fake engagements are quickly deleted, so they don’t trigger any growth at all. And the accounts trying to use them can be penalized or deleted for violating Instagram’s terms and conditions.

Instead, it’s crucial to buy real Instagram likes, which come from real Instagram users with real accounts on the social media platform. The system recognizes that real people are liking your Instagram posts, and your purchased likes stay on your posts for the long run.

We’ve spoken with dozens of IG influencers and power users to find out which social media marketing services they use to generate organic growth on the Gram, and most mentioned the same Instagram services. These are the top 12 they recommend.

Our Four Favorite Likes Services


Those familiar with Instagram growth may be shocked to see the top choice on this list. But Rushmax has legitimately edged out heritage IG service providers Twicsy and Buzzoid, even though those other services have been delivering high-quality instant likes for twice as long.

Rushmax offers almost everything its big-name competitors do. There are eight packages of real Instagram likes available (50, 100, 250, 1000, 2500, 5000, and 10,000), letting you choose the right option for the size of your existing audience. You can also order premium likes for a bit more; those engagements come from very active IG users and produce even stronger growth.

All Rushmax likes are sold at affordable prices and come with instant delivery, so you don’t have to wait long for growth to start. Ordering them takes less than a minute and all transactions are fully protected with secure servers and full encryption. Multiple payment methods (debit and credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay) are available, and there’s a 24/7 customer support team.

Most importantly, Rushmax likes work. They trigger strong growth in posts’ visibility and engagement and are even more powerful than the likes provided by the heritage services we’ve mentioned. Customer reviews back up those results — but even more convincing is the fact that many Instagram influencers have switched to Rushmax as their preferred growth service.

Click here to buy real Instagram likes from Rushmax


This longtime Instagram provider was ranked #1 until Rushmax surged past them in this year’s reviews and recommendations. With 12+ years of experience, Twicsy can quickly and powerfully boost customers’ Instagram presence with their high-quality likes and other interactions.

All Twicsy likes come from real users and real accounts, so your own IG account is never at risk. Likes packages range from 50 to 10,000 genuine engagements, premium likes are available, and you can split packages between multiple posts. There’s lightning-fast delivery, and you’ll never pay more for Twicsy likes than for likes from other reputable services.

The customer experience is outstanding, with a secure checkout process that’s streamlined and fast. You’ll never be asked for your account password when ordering, either, just your Instagram username. And 24-hour customer support can always solve occasional problems, answer questions about the service, or create custom orders for followers, likes, and views.

Twicsy likes have always delivered powerful results, and they still do. The only reason they’re not still #1 in these rankings is that Rushmax has built a slightly better service.

Click here to buy real Instagram likes from Twicsy


Just as Twicsy was bumped down to #2, Buzzoid was knocked down to #3 by Rushmax’s ascension to the top spot. Buzzoid has a long history of delivering powerful Instagram engagements and their likes are particularly effective

Customer options range from small packages of 50 and 100 likes all the way up to monster packs of 5,000 and 10,000 real likes, along with the ability to upgrade to more powerful premium likes. Automatic likes packages, which send likes to posts every time you add them to your Instagram pages, are also available.

Buzzoid’s website is fully secure, as is their fast ordering process, and customer support reps work around the clock to respond quickly to any issue or question. And their real likes provide strong organic growth that’s in the same ballpark as Twicsy. It’s another excellent service that influencers have used for years to put their videos onto Instagram’s Explore pages.

Click here to buy real Instagram likes from Buzzoid


InstaPort is just where Rushmax was a couple of years ago: creating a strong IG service that may soon surpass the providers higher in our rankings.

Real, high-quality likes are available in packages ranging from 50 to 10,000, prices are fair, delivery is rapid, and all customer data is fully secure. Support reps can be reached day and night, and the IG likes delivered by InstaPort drive strong growth in audience and reach for customers’ posts.

Right now, Rushmax is generally a secondary option for influencers who want several sources of genuine Instagram likes. It’s working its way into their primary rotation, though.

Our Extra Eight

These providers all have some work to do before they qualify for one of our top rankings, but they have one important thing in common: they all supply legitimate Instagram likes.

Like Leap: We like this provider a lot, but they could stand to improve the quality of their likes.

Engage Hub: Excellent option much like Buzzoid and Twicsy, but way too expensive.

Boostify: Slow delivery of likes packages is the big drawback of this service.

Pulse Pixel: Cheap likes may seem like a bargain, but you won’t see much growth.

InstaElevate: You may have to wait as long as 24 hours for your likes to arrive.

View Vantage: The engagements are rather low in quality, leading to disappointing results.

Growth Gram: Results aren’t great here either, even though the likes are high-quality ones.

Fusion Snap: Decent account growth takes a long time to kick in, but eventually arrives.

How Purchased Instagram Likes Generate Organic Growth

It may not make intuitive sense that buying real Instagram likes triggers substantial growth on the app, but it really works. There are two reasons why.

1. Making Nice to the Instagram Algorithms

So much content is uploaded to Instagram — more than 100 million photos and videos every day — that most of it will only be seen by the people who already follow the content creator.

That’s because the Instagram algorithms that allocate content visibility have been programmed to favor Insta accounts and videos that are already popular, and those rapidly growing in popularity. Unless you’re already an IG star or have posted a video that’s attracted lots of attention, you have almost no chance of your content being seen widely.

One approach lets you sidestep that obstacle and earn a bigger audience for your video: buying Instagram likes. The influx of likes boosts a metric known as the Instagram engagement rate, and that’s a primary factor when the algorithms decide which videos should be featured in users’ feeds.

As your post’s audience grows, a large number of people get their first opportunity to watch the video you’ve created, like it, comment on it, and hopefully become new followers. That increases your account’s authority while also telling the algorithms that you’ve become even more popular — entitling you to still more exposure and creating additional organic growth.

Influencers love buying likes for just that reason. When they have an Instagram post that’s becoming a sensation, sending likes to it can boost their audience to the level that puts it onto users’ Explore pages or even helps it go viral.

One caution, though: you have to regularly post compelling, high-quality content for this method to work. Otherwise, your new audience will have no reason to hit the “like” button or follow your Instagram account, and the likes package you purchased will have been wasted. You may even lose some of the Instagram followers you’ve added in the past.

2. Social Proof

Do you know why so many companies rely heavily on testimonials when marketing their products? It’s because consumers are more likely to try a product if they know that many people like them have already tried it and liked it.

Experts call that phenomenon “social proof,” and it works just as powerfully in an Instagram marketing strategy. When users come across a video with a high number of likes, they’re more likely to stop and watch. All of those likes are testimonials, and they act as social proof that your vid is worth the time it takes to watch it.

That’s another reason that purchasing real Insta likes from a quality service makes sense. It opens the door to acquiring more likes, views, and followers for your content and account.

Best Sites to Buy Instagram Likes: FAQ

Q: Can I buy Instagram views or followers instead of likes?

A: Of course, you can. They aren’t real substitutes for likes, though. Video views work much the same as likes but are less powerful. Purchasing followers is a better choice when your goal is to boost your overall account popularity by adding large numbers of followers.

Q: Will buying likes increase my account’s follower count?

A: Somewhat, but not to the same level that buying real follows will produce. Purchasing likes is better for boosting specific videos rather than an entire account.

Q: Is buying engagements a good strategy for businesses?

A: Absolutely. Many companies have built large and powerful social media accounts with the help of purchased likes and other interactions. Having a community of current and potential customers in their target audiences allows businesses to maximize their Instagram presence.

Q: Isn’t there any other way to find large audiences on the Gram?

A: None that works rapidly and effectively. Once Instagram became extremely popular in the USA and around the world, “quick fix” approaches like putting lots of trending hashtags in posts and optimizing Instagram profiles to be search-friendly stopped working the way they originally did. Only purchasing active likes and other engagements from reputable providers can trigger the organic growth you need to become influential and successful on Instagram.