How Local Businesses Could Benefit from Adopting Crypto

| 05 Jul 2024 | 09:32

Adopting crypto as a form of payment is quickly becoming a popular avenue for businesses around the world. While massive corporations are quick on the pulse of what customers need, there is a surge in customers looking for local businesses that offer crypto payment methods.

To keep up, we’re looking at how local businesses could benefit from adopting crypto, ensuring that your business doesn’t get left behind.

There are now reportedly over 20,000 digital currencies in circulation, with new coins coming onto the crypto market nearly every day. Consumers are not only spending crypto at businesses at a growing rate, but they’re also shopping for new coins to buy. Goran Radanovic of Cryptonews shares that new coins on Coinbase are reviewed based on their use case, benefits, and features. By purchasing useful coins, consumers can choose to either hold their coins as they gain value or spend them at online stores or local shops that accept crypto.

While a niche market at the moment, the increased popularity of using crypto for day-to-day transactions is a sign of where things are heading. The more prepared local businesses are now, the better equipped they are to manage customer expectations in the future. Plus, with nearly a 190% increase in global crypto users between 2018-2020, and even more in 2022, it’s clear that crypto isn’t going anywhere, with more crypto users than ever before. Offering crypto could potentially bring in a massive new customer base for local businesses.

One of the main benefits for local businesses looking to adopt crypto is the increased security. Stories of locals being scammed are on the increase and we all think it won’t happen to us. Until it does. This is why many are turning to crypto for increased security. Unlike traditional financial institutions, most crypto works on a blockchain system. This blockchain system is nearly impenetrable, with unchanging ledgers making all payments safe and secure, reducing the risk of fraud.

Another benefit for businesses that work with crypto blockchain technology is the contracts involved. If you have an agreement with another business or supplier, the contract can be written within the blockchain, and the payment is automatic. Once again, this lessens the chance of fraud and ensures that both parties are living up to their end of the bargain.

Local businesses that adopt crypto could improve their cash flow and liquidity. The quick transaction times for crypto are a major benefit for businesses and customers. This is particularly true if your business does any international transactions. Where you might wait 5-7 working days to transact fiat currency, crypto is near instant, keeping everyone happy.

While most associate crypto with online transactions, local businesses may benefit from offering crypto ATMs at their physical store locations. This allows customers to come in and sell or buy crypto in exchange for fiat currencies.

Most crypto industries are on the rise, meaning a much wider customer base looking for local businesses that adopt crypto. Industries like crypto gambling provide some interesting insights into what customers are looking for when transacting with crypto. Safety, currency variety, and up-to-date technology are at the top of the list. So, for local businesses that want to offer crypto, you need to ensure that your crypto payment options are keeping up with what customers need.

Last but certainly not least, one of the biggest benefits of adopting crypto as a local business is the financial savings. Transacting crypto costs a fraction of the price compared with fiat currencies at traditional financial institutions, giving your business a chance to make more profit per transaction.